Let's Buy a House!
Let's Buy a House!
Bank Statement Loans Explained!
Self Employed Home Buyers often get the short end of the stick, I see it everyday! Lenders have taken note and Now there are some new Loan Products designed specifically for you the small business owner / self employed buyer! This is such a great option and I have helped many buyers who almost lost their deposits on homes because the lenders they initially went to were trying to qualify them with a traditional home loan (Fannie or FHA) and it just didn't work. If you are planning to buy in 2024 or even in the next couple years, just tune in and see if this loan product sounds like it could work for you, now you do have to come in with more than your minimum down payments that Fannie and FHA allow, you're typically looking at a 20% down on these loan programs. Have questions ? Feel free to connect with me on my socials! I am pretty good about responding! Cheers Friends!